Design and Manage wide range of different activation program which includes Seminars & Conferences, Road Shows, Exhibition & Fair, School-College and University Activation, engaging different club – social group – committees & all below-the-line promotion etc.
Multi-media campaigns designed to provide our clients with the power of integrated communications.
Maintaining liaison and creating lobby for influence GOB policy towards any issue regarding social change.
Utilising the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for optimising the resource use and create productivity and effectiveness.
Proven expertise to produce quality documentary as per program requirement.
Development of SBC and other Communication Strategy through different methodologies as per client’s program goal. These are formative research, Doer non doer analysis, barrier analysis, SANIFOAM approach, KAIPA analysis etc..
Managing real time application and software to monitor program activities. Website design and content management, Visual E-mail campaigns, Multi-Media Presentations, CD ROMs and interactive applications and software.
Provision of services including contributory articles, features, in-house magazine editing and content, CEO speeches, case studies etc.
Integrated marketing communication and communication for behavioural impact on health & other social development issues.College and University Activation, engaging different club – social group – committees & all below-the-line promotion etc.
Creating opportunity in communications where every mass medium eventually merges to the point where they become one medium.
Conceptualising the program and SBC need develop message content and design user friendly materials for target group.
Understand the print and electronic media with clear tracking of news, clipping analysis and reports.
Integrated application of using the power of theatre and indigenous media for development issues & commercial sector.
Research done by a professional firm to evaluate reputation as per the parameters defined in the Reputation Capital™ Index.
House to house sampling, detailing, local level event to create awareness about issue or product.
Development and execution of different communication, SBC, IPC Capacity Building Workshops, Brand Positioning & Identity, Message Development, Media Training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking and Business Etiquette.
Designing and implementing social media campaign among specific Targeted Audience, Region and Social Economic Class (SEC) utilising appropriate social media platforms. Successfully can reach desired number of people by Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
Based on SBCC strategy designing SBCC intervention for various targeted audience in different geo-cultural location which includes Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL).
Utilising the latest technology for qualitative and quantitative Communication related any research, Anthropological analysis, Change Theories, Sectorial and industry research, Bangladesh infrastructure, economic and competitive assessment analysis.